
If you make a booking with a venue or supplier, you will enter into a contract with them. 

A contract is a legally binding agreement between parties. 

The main parts of a contract are as follows:


The request for a venue, supply, or service. 

For example: A venue quotes you a price of £40 per head for your upcoming Winter Formal

Negotiation/Counter Offer

Depending on the nature of the contract, there may be option to negotiate and make a counter offer. 

For example, you ask the venue to add a bottle of wine for each table into the offer.


An agreement is reached between both parties and the offer is accepted. 


This is what each party offers.

For example: The use of the venue, dinner, and a bottle of wine for each table is their consideration. The £40 per head is your consideration. 

Intention to create legal relations

Both parties demonstrate the intention to enter a legal agreement.

For example: Signing a written agreement.

This last part is particularly important. Remember, if you agree to book a venue or a supplier before you know for sure that you can go ahead with your event, then you may be liable to pay the costs even if the event doesn’t go ahead.

Oral, email, and written contracts are all legally binding. Make sure that you do not agree to anything over the phone or by email if you are not in a position to officially accept. You can negotiate terms and provisionally book the goods/service but do not agree to enter into the contract. Ask for the paper contract and any terms and conditions to be sent to you. 

Contract Support

Before you sign a contract or agree to anything, you should consult with the Community Coordinator. We have in depth experience of student group contracts and will be able to provide advice and support to ensure you are getting the best deal for you and your students. 

We will provide a second pair of eyes to ensure that the small print does not include any hidden costs or clauses.

We can provide advice on insurance, including Public Liability Insurance and excess amounts. 

We can cross reference your contract with similar past contracts to determine if there is further room for negotiation.

We will provide any necessary budget guidance to ensure that your event remains financially viable in line with the terms of the contract.

Key Contacts
