Purchase Requests

The Purchase Requests system allows York SU to place orders and make bookings on your behalf, removing the need to be reimbursed. This includes purchases such as hotel bookings, equipment orders, merchandise, costumes, etc. 

Please ensure that you provide enough time for the request to be made and approved before the item can be ordered.

Submitting a Purchase Request

The Purchase Request system is managed through the Member Dashboard on the York SU website and is only accessible by signatories. We advise that one signatory (e.g. the Treasurer) take on the role of submitting Purchase Requests. 

Log into the Member Dashboard and navigate to the Purchase Request section through the Finance tab, then follow these instructions:

Select New Purchase Request on the right-hand side of the page

Add in the supplier name and contact details and click OK

In the View column on the right-hand side, click the arrow button

Under the Items tab, add in what needs to be ordered using the New Item button

Under the Coding tab, select which account you would like the payment to come from using the Add Coding button

Under the Attachment tab, add the quote or a screenshot of the order basket

Return to the Supplier tab and click Final Submission

The claim will need to be approved by the Community Coordinator and then the Finance Office. If there are any queries regarding the request you will be contacted at the earliest opportunity. Once approved, the Finance team will then be able to make the purchase for you and the money will be deducted from the specified account. The Finance team will contact you once the purchase has been made.

While your request is pending it will show in the Active Requests tab of the home screen in the Products section of the Member Dashboard. Once it has been purchased, it will move to the Archived Requests tab.

PLEASE NOTE: Currently there is no second signatory option for purchase requests on the website. The onus is on the student group committee to ensure that only appropriate requests are being submitted. Please regularly monitor the dashboard. As only signatories are able to make Purchase Requests, it should be straightforward to keep track of. If you have any queries regarding a request, get in touch with the Finance Office.

Key Contacts

YUSU Finance


01904 32 4662