
Selling Event Tickets

Tickets for events can be sold through our website by making an event application. Money made from these sales will be placed into the nominated account on a weekly basis following the schedule below

Sales from Sun - Sat of Week 1 - Deposited Monday of Week 2

Sales from Sun - Sat of Week 2 - Deposited Monday of Week 3 etc.

Booking Fee

A booking fee is applied at the checkout stage, this booking fee is an administration charge applied by York SU for the use of the system. The fees are non-refundable. In order to reduce costs for students, these charges are kept to an absolute minimum and follow the below tiered structure:

50p - Any ticket priced £9.99 or lower

75p - Tickets priced between £10 and £19.99

£1 - Tickets priced £20 and over

Key Contacts

YUSU Finance


01904 32 4662