
If you have an item which you’d like to sell through the York SU website, you can set it up through the Member Dashboard as a Product through this section. This is usually for things like merchandise or equipment. Once the product is live, people will be able to purchase it from your webpage under the Memberships and Products button.

This section is not for event tickets. Events should be listed on the York SU website through the Events section, with tickets attached there. 

On the Product page you’ll see two tabs: one for your applications and one for all the products you’ve submitted. Event tickets, which are also classed as products, will appear here as well, but please don’t submit them through this page.

How to Add a Product

Under Products, select the Applications tab and click on New Application




Press Finish

Your link staff member and the Finance Office will then review and approve your product. Memberships and Products appear in the York SU Shop and are linked on your webpage at the date and time you specified for sales to start.

View and Contact Your Purchasers

To view who has purchased a Product, head to the Products page and select All Products. You’ll see a table of the different products you have listed, as well as some information about them such as their current status. In the far-right column you’ll see two purple buttons.

The left-hand button allows you to download an Excel spreadsheet of those who have purchased your product. The right-hand button allows you to see a list of those who have purchased your product in the Dashboard. You can also export the list from this page, and send an email directly to everyone who has purchased the product if you need to provide them with more information. 

To do this, click the ‘Contact all purchasers’ button. This will take you to the Communications tab. Under ‘Group Type’ select ‘Product Purchasers’. A search bar will appear which reads ‘Product Type’. In the box search for the name of the relevant product. Press ‘Next’ and then complete the content of your email. Purchasers will be able to reply to this email, with replies being sent directly to your College's email account.

Please note: If non-students have purchased a product, you will only be able to see ‘Public Sale’ rather than their details on both the Dashboard and the exported Excel spreadsheet. Please contact your link staff member for details of non-student product purchases.

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