
The Finance page of the Member Dashboard is where you manage your finances and submit Purchase Requests. You will also see a tab for Invoice Requests here, but we don't currently use this feature, instead utilising the Payment Request Form for invoices and reimbursements. 

Accounts Summary

Here you will see an overview of your Main Account and your RAG Account.

To see further information about your group’s finances, click on one of your group’s accounts. This will show you a more detailed breakdown of your accounts.  You’ll see the total balance across your accounts, and the date that your accounts were last updated. 

Pending Expenditure/Income

There are two tabs for Pending Expenditure/Income. These will display any payments which are waiting to be processed into or out of your account, such as event tickets which have been purchased on the website but the transaction hasn’t yet been fully processed. These will move into your main statement once processed.


Below these tabs you’ll see your main statement, which is a record of transactions made into and out of your group accounts. 

Your account will be split into a number of Nominal accounts, (Own Funds, Freshers, Sports, etc.). The code in the statement breakdown will let you know in which nominal account this transaction took place.

Nominal Breakdown of Balance

At the bottom of the page you will see totals for each of your Nominal accounts. 

Own Funds - This is your main account for most everyday transactions

Freshers - This account is useful during freshers week for separating any incoming and outgoing funds from your everyday activity

Sports - This accounts collects money from your College Sport Memberships and should be used for any College Sport related expenses (eg Pitch Bookings)

You can request additional nominal accounts - email the Community Coordinator to discuss.

Key Contacts
