Card Payments

Each College Committee has access to a SumUp Card Reader for processing Chip and Pin, Contactless (NFC), Apple Pay, and Google Pay transactions. These readers are linked to you Own Funds account and should be used for processing payments for things like event tickets or merchandise. 

These readers offer the benefit of giving your members more payment options and means less cash handling and bank deposits. 

The money from these transactions is subject to a 1.69% transaction fee for each transaction. 

Once the transaction takes place, it then takes up to five working days to reach your Own Funds account. You will see transactions grouped by day, therefore it's important to keep records of all your SumUp transactions.

For more details about using your SumUp Card Reader, please refer to the guide linked below.

SumUp Guide

SumUp User Guide

Key Contacts

YUSU Finance 

01904 32 4662